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Templating Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules using Powershell and CI/CD pipelines
Using the Microsoft Sentinel API and Powershell we can download all the components we want and template them for deployment - this allows you to create Analytic Rules in the Azure Portal and deploy them to multiple customers using CI/CD pipelines.
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Adding a Key Vault to your Microsoft Sentinel Data Connector ARM-template
A subset of Data Connector for Sentinel come in the form of Azure Functions deployed using an ARM-template. Most if not all of these functions avoid actually implementing a Key Vault to secure your variables, so here's the snippets to implement it yourself.
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Hardening Azure Active Directory
Going over some attack paths for Azure Active Directory (that I know of) and how to harden your environment to avoid exploitation (or just minimize the risk slightly). The focus for this post is app registrations and basic enumeration.
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Auditing Microsoft Sentinel queries in an Azure Lighthouse-environment
Quick introduction to auditing Microsoft Sentinel queries in a cross-tenant scenario - and some things to be aware of.
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