Workspace transformation rules are defined in data collection rules and use kusto query language (KQL) in order to transform data in the cloud pipeline, before ingestion into Microsoft Sentinel.

Doing it this way requires you to

“…create a new DCR using its JSON definition or add a transformation to an existing DCR.”

Now, what about tables that don’t use DCR for data ingestion? Well, we have something else we can use, namely the workspace transformation data collection rules, which is a real mouthful.

“The purpose of this DCR is to perform transformations on data that does not yet use a DCR for its data collection, and thus has no means to define a transformation.” - Microsoft Docs

Rule 1 - Filter AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs

This rule is useful if you have use AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs in your workspace. Each of these entries contain the ConditionalAccessPolicies field, which will always contain all CA-policies, applied or not. This can be a lot of data, and if you’re not using it, you can filter it out.

To do that, simply head over to your log analytics workspace, find the Tables menu under Settings and locate AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs.

From here, click the three dots and select Create Transformation. If you don’t already have a data collection rule for workspace transforms, you’ll need to create one. If you do, simply proceed with Next.

In Schema and transformation, click Transformation Editor and paste the following KQL query:

| project-away ConditionalAccessPolicies

Hit Apply, Next and Create and you should be all done.

Rule 2 - Filter SecurityEvent

If you’re ingesting data from Active Directory, you’ll have some SecurityEvent-logs in your workspace. These logs are quite verbose and contain a lot of data that you might not need.

The number one field we can filter out is EventData, which contains the entire event in it’s raw xml-form. So in essence, you’re storing the same data twice.

Follow the recipe from above, but use this query instead:

| project-away EventData

And that’s it! You’ve now saved some money on your data ingestion in Microsoft Sentinel.

Got any good transformation rules? Feel free to reach out and share!