
So the general idea is to provide a starting point for templating Microsoft Sentinel components, in this case analytic rules. An ARM-template generator already exists for Playbooks and works great. However, the script is not adapted for pipelines and it’s just above 600 lines of code. When using scripts in CI/CD pipelines I personally like to keep the length and complexity to a minimum.

So what do we do?

  • First of all - pull analytic rules down from our Microsoft Sentinel workspace using the API.
  • Secondly - parse all the analytic rules to get rid of any unwanted data.


Let’s write some Powershell-functions to download and parse our analytic rules into templates. For the time being my goal is to make the function be able to run locally on my PC, while we while adapt them to a pipeline further down in this post.


Requirements: Scripts were tested locally using Powershell Core 7.2.5 and the Azure module (Install-Module Az).

It takes the following input:

  • ResourceGroup - where the Sentinel-workspace is located.
  • SubscriptionId - where the resource group is located.
  • workspaceName - name of the Sentinel-workspace.
  • outputPath - filepath to write all the parsed json-files to.

We can run the script by dot sourcing it in Powershell:

. ./Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRulesStandalone.ps1
Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules -outputPath $outputPath -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -subscriptionId $subscriptionId -workspaceName $workstpaceName

The script itself is around 49 lines, so quite an improvement in terms of length (if we were to do playbooks it would be a tad longer, because there are more fields to parse):

function Parse-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules {
    try {
        foreach($DownloadedRule in $DownloadedRules.Value) {
            # Set name variable
            $Name = $DownloadedRule.Properties.DisplayName

            # Remove all spaces and colons from names
            $Name = $Name.Replace(" ", "")
            $Name = $Name.Replace(":", "")    
            $File = "$Name.json"
            if($Name) {
                Write-Host "Parsing rule: $($Name) and saving to $($Name).json"
                $DownloadedRule | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 15 | Out-File $outputPath/$File
    } catch {
      Write-Host "An error occured in the MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules-function: $($_)"
function Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules {
    try {
        # First, craft the URI for downloading the analytic rules
        $uri = "/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/${workspaceName}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules?api-version=2022-01-01-preview"
        # Download all analytic rules
        $DownloadedRules = (Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri).Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 15

        # Check that outputPath exists, if not create
        If(!(Test-Path $outputPath)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outputPath
        Parse-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules -DownloadedRules $DownloadedRules -outputPath $outputPath

    } catch {
        Write-Host "An error occured in the MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules-function: $($_)"

The script generates the following output:

  • Multiple JSON-files containing the templated analytic rules.

We are now able to download analytic rules and parse them into templates - the only thing you’d require to deploy them to multiple customers is to add back customer specific values in the pipelines used to create analytic rules.

You can download the full standalone script from my Github.


We will use Azure DevOps pipelines to accomplish our CI/CD goal - for more information on setting up your own ADO-organization (and other free Azure resources), scroll to the bottom of this post.

Creating a pipeline

The pipeline will do the following:

  • Run manually (define trigger: none)
  • Download scripts from a repository resource using a service connection
  • Run on a windows build agent
  • Take inputs from a variable group and variables defined in the pipeline
    • resourceGroup, workspaceName and subscriptionId are all defined as RG, WSN and SUBID in the variable group demo
    • Rest of the variables are set in the variables: block
  • Perform certain steps:
    • Checkout (download) the defined Scripts repository
    • Run an Azure Powershell task, which will run the Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRulesPipeline.ps1 script using a service connection
    • Run the publish build artifact task, which is where we can download all the parsed analytic rules after running

The demo variable group looks like this:

The subscriptionId isn’t a secret in my environment, just was easier to set it to secret for the screenshot. If you want to keep it as a secret, you should be able to add a Powershell task to add the secret variable to env: and it should persist through all the tasks, as long as you don’t split them into stages:

- checkout: Scripts
- task: PowerShell@2
    targetType: 'inline'
    script: |
        Write-Host "Adding subscriptionId to env"
    SUBID: $(SUBID) 

And if we go to our project settings and look at the service connections, they look like this:

The azure_demo_tenant is just a SPN (Azure AD app registration) which is given read-access to the subscription where my Sentinel-workspace is defined.

This leaves us with the following pipeline:

trigger: none

  - repository: Scripts
    type: github
    name: infernuxmonster/MicrosoftSentinel-Scripts
    endpoint: infernuxmonster

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

  - group: demo
  - name: Scripts
    value: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/'
  - name: ServiceConnection
    value: 'azure_demo_tenant'
  - name: outputPath
    value: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/OutFiles'

- checkout: Scripts
- task: AzurePowerShell@5
  displayName: 'Download and parse analytic rule'
    azureSubscription: $(ServiceConnection)
    ScriptPath: '$(Scripts)/Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRulesPipeline.ps1'
    ScriptArguments: '-outputPath $(outputPath)'
    azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
    pwsh: true

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
  displayName: 'Publish parsed analytic rules artifact'
    PathtoPublish: $(outputPath)
    ArtifactName: ParsedRules

The entire Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules.yaml file can be downloaded on my Github.

Preparing the script for running in an Azure DevOps pipeline

In order to make sure the functions work in the pipeline we’ll make some adaptions:

  • All parameter values should be defined either in a variable group, in parameters set when running the pipeline or in static variables in the pipelines themselves.

Either which way, this means we need to modify our scripts to use the values defined in the pipeline. For Azure DevOps pipeline agents this is defined in the environment variables, which means we can reference them in Powershell using $env:VariableName in our scripts:

function Parse-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules {
function Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules {
try {
    # We define variables either in variable groups, in keyvaults or in the pipeline itself depending on the sensitivity of the variable
    # All pipeline variables are stored in env: 
    $resourceGroup = $env:RG
    $subscriptionId = $env:SUBID
    $workspaceName = $env:WSN
    Write-Host "resourceGroup: $($resourceGroup)"
    Write-Host "subscriptionId: $($subscriptionId)"
    Write-Host "workspaceName: $($workspaceName)"

    Get-MicrosoftSentinelAnalyticRules -outputPath $outputPath -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -subscriptionId $subscriptionId -workspaceName $workspaceName
    Write-Host "##vso[task.complete result=Succeeded;]DONE"
} catch {
    Write-Host "##vso[task.LogIssue type=error;]$_"

We also added some logging commands in order to raise an alert in the pipeline-run if the script errors out.

You can download the full script, modified for usage in Azure DevOps pipelines on my Github.

Running the pipeline

For testing, I’ve created an Analytic Rule for testing:

We can now run the pipeline:

If everything is set up correctly, we should be looking at a finished job:

The output tells us we’ve found two rules, the default fusion rule and my test rule:

If we look at the artifact step we can see that it has also published both files as an artifact:

If we go to the pipeline overview we can see that one artifact has been published:

And now we can download our artifacts:

End result is a json file that looks like this:

  "name": "4f798eac-ac88-4dd9-a8f9-8f069fea566d",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules",
  "kind": "Scheduled",
  "properties": {
    "queryFrequency": "PT5H",
    "queryPeriod": "PT5H",
    "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
    "triggerThreshold": 0,
    "eventGroupingSettings": {
      "aggregationKind": "SingleAlert"
    "severity": "Medium",
    "query": "AzureActivity\r\n| take 1",
    "suppressionDuration": "PT5H",
    "suppressionEnabled": false,
    "incidentConfiguration": {
      "createIncident": true,
      "groupingConfiguration": {
        "enabled": false,
        "reopenClosedIncident": false,
        "lookbackDuration": "PT5H",
        "matchingMethod": "AllEntities",
        "groupByEntities": [],
        "groupByAlertDetails": [],
        "groupByCustomDetails": []
    "tactics": [],
    "techniques": [],
    "displayName": "infernux-testrule-dev",
    "enabled": true,
    "description": "",
    "alertRuleTemplateName": null


We can now download and template analytic rules standalone or in a CI/CD pipeline. You can also modify the script to push the templates directly into a repository, and use a similar setup to push analytic rules to Sentinel.

It was tested in a free Azure DevOps organization (using Github to sign in). Connections to Azure and Github (repository for hosting our pipeline and scripts) connected via service connection.

If you wanted to try this out yourself: